Can You Answer These Questions on Mahatma Gandhi

 1. Who was the author of 'Unto This Last' which influenced Gandhi?

 A) Paul Cezanne
 B) John Ruskin
 C) William Morris
 D) Margaret Ruskin

ANSWER: (B) John Ruskin

Explain: Inspired by John Ruskin's work, 'Unto This Last', Gandhi paraphrased it in his native language, Gujarati and called it 'Sarvodaya'.

2. Which book did Gandhi call his mother?

 A) Bhagwada Gita
 B) Vishnu Purana
 C) Matsya Purana
 D) Ramayana 

ANSWER: (A) Bhagwada Gita


3. Name the autobiography of Gandhi.

 A) Navjivan
 B) The Story of My Experiments with Truth
 C) Sarvodaya
 D) Satyagraha 

ANSWER: (B) The Story of My Experiments with Truth
Explain: Gandhi wrote his authobiography in weekly installments, published in one of his journals, called Navjivan from 1925 to 1929. The autobiography's English translation was published in installments in another journal, Young India, which was also founded by Gandhi. 


4. Which among the following newspapers or journals was not started by Gandhi?

 A) Harijan
 B) Harijan Sevak
 C) Harijan Bandu
 D) Bahishkrit Bharat 

ANSWER: (D) Bahishkrit Bharat

Explain: Bahishkrit Bharat newspaper was by Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar who was the Chief Architect of Indian constitution. After independence, he became India's first law and justice minister.


5. Who was the author of Gandhi's favourite bhajan 'Vaishnava jana to tene kahiye'?

 A) Ramananda
 B) Kabir
 C) Ramanuja
 D) Narsi Mehta 

ANSWER: (D) Narsi Mehta
Explain: Narsi Mehta was a 15th century Bhakti saint from Gujarat. 


6. Who said, "Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked the earth?

 A) Annie Besant
 B) Lord Mountbatten
 C) Winston Churchill
 D) Albert Einstein 

ANSWER= (D) Albert Einstein

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Source: Dr. Richa Singh


7. Whose writings were the source of inspiration for Gandhi's Civil Disobedience Movement?

 A) Henry David Thoreau
 B) Voltaire
 C) Ralph Waldo Emerson
 D) Jean-Jacques Rousseau

ANSWER: (A) Henry David Thoreau


8. In which city of South Africa was Gandhi beaten up and cast out from a first-class carriage by the white people in 1893 while he was going from Durban to Pretoria?

 A) Ladysmith
 B) Pietersburg
 C) Pietermaritzburg
 D) Bloemfontein 

ANSWER: (C) Pietermaritzburg
Explain: To commemorate the event, a statue of Gandhi was erected in 1993 which reads, 'This statue marks the centenary of the event on the night of 7 June 1893, when M. K. Gandhi was forcibly removed from a train compartment at the Pietermaritzburg station because of discrimination based on race'. And Gandhi while speaking of the incident, says, "My active non-violence began from that date". 


9. In which year did Gandhi, as the first Indian barrister to South Africa, landed there?

ANSWER: 1893  


10. In South Africa, he started a paper called                    .  

ANSWER: Indian Opinion     


11. The passive resistance of the Indians in Transvaal, South Africa led by Gandhi in 1906 against the law that required Indians to register themselves and obtain a personal certificate bearing name and thumb impression, led to their arrests and imprisonment. This dispelled the fear if jail which was popularly called                                         .

ANSWER: King Edward’s Hotel

12. His first passive resistance started as a protest against the                                          of 1906.   

ANSWER: Asiatic Registration Bill

13. In which year the Phoenix Settlement was established by Gandhi in Durban?

 ANSWER: 1904


14. What was the name of the house that was designed by his German architect friend, Hermann Kallenbach for them both to live together?    

ANSWER: Satyagraha House   


15. What was the name of the farm that Kallenbach donated to Gandhi in 1910? 

ANSWER: Tolstoy Farm


16. Tolstoy Farm was named after Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy. What was the name of his book that inspired Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence? 

ANSWER: The Kingdom of God is Within You


17. To help Gandhi carry on with the struggle in South Africa,                                   sent Rs. 25,000 to the Satyagraha funds.   

ANSWER: Sir Ratanji Jamshedji Tata

Explain: Along with Sir Ratanji Jamshedji Tata, the Congress, the Muslim League and the Nizam of Hyderabad too contributed to the Satyagraha funds. 

18. A Japanese Buddhist monk visited Gandhi at his ashram in Wardha and taught him about _____________

 ANSWER: Three Wise Monkeys

Explain: They give three important messages which include:

Mizaru (See no evil)

Kikazaru (Hear no evil)

Iwazaru (Speak no evil)




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